On Thursday the 26th of May at 7pm we will have our AGM which will be followed by our Presentation Night. Please ensure you attend.
If you cannot attend please send your apologies to secretary@modburybowlingclub.com.au
Board nominations have closed and the following are the Nominees – 2022 MBC Board Nominees
- President – Jose Gil
- Secretary – Kathy Hills
- Treasurer – Kevin Neumann and Kym Osmond**
- Directors –
- Les Scott
- John Morris
- Stuart Jolly
- Patrick McGuinness
- Sue Rooda
- Vacant
** Refer to Clause 4.4.7 and 4.4.1d of the Consitution
As nominations for the board have closed, if you are interested in being part of the future direction of the club and want to become a director, please advise Jose or Kathy after the AGM. Your interest will be taken to the elected board and they will determine your suitability. All directors must take an active portfolio while serving on the board (Board Overview).