Social Bowls Friday 22 July

Despite the day being overcast and chilly it was good to get back on the greens and be among the first to experience playing under the new roof cover.   Unfortunately this week’s turnout was down with only 34 players attending.
This weeks winners and grinners are:
1st  Game Winners:     David Bickerton, Frank Francese and Mario Mascilongo on 28 points + 12 shots
2nd Game Winners:     John Schell, Claudio Stucco and John Hart on 27 points + 8 shots
2 Game Winners:         Jimmy Youngson, Graham Fishlock and Steve Fishlock on 54 points + 20 shots
2 Game Runner-up:     Gordon Newman and Ray Cook  on 54 points +12 shots
The week’s jackpot draw for $345 was -15.  As no team claimed the prize the jackpot will carryover into next week.
A thanks to Tim Arbon and grounds staff for the work they do in keeping the greens and surrounding areas in good shape.  Also, thanks to Les Scott for conducting the raffle draw and Rob Jackway for helping out in the office.
Keep them rolling,
Graham Fishlock and Ian McPhillips

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