Social Bowls Friday 8th April

The day was pleasantly warm with a welcome breeze that provided some relief for 65 players who attended the fixture; one team having to play as a pair.   Both ‘A’ and ‘B’ greens were used.
This week’s winners were Wayne Lindsay and Ron Troost who scored 54 points with 33 shots up.  In second place were Wayne Mack, Stuart Reither and Eric Harris with 52 points and 13 shots up.
A thank you to Tim Arbon and the grounds staff for the work they do in keeping the greens and surrounding areas in good shape.  Thanks also to Les Scott for running the raffle and Rob Jackway for helping in the office and placing the mats and kitties out.
The number drawn for this week’s jackpot of $125 was +9.  The lucky winners were Allan Whitmarsh, Kevin Neuman and Ken Williams.
As next week is Good Friday, the usual Friday social bowls will resume on 22nd April.
Keep them rolling,
Graham Fishlock and Ian McPhillips

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