Social Bowls Results Friday 19th March

53 players attended today’s event.  Due to the expected temperature of 30 degrees play was conducted on grass.
  This week’s two game winners were Roy Hills, Di Armstrong and Barry Pearson with a score of 52 points and 11 shots up.  The runners-up were Sheila Dempsey, Cynthia and Peter Stewart also with a score of 52 points but with 6 shots up.
A thank you to Tim Arbon and his crew of volunteers who maintain the greens, Les Scott for running the raffle and Rob Jackway for his help in the office .
The number drawn for this week’s jackpot of $220 was +19.  As there was no winner the jackpot will carryover to next week.
Keep them rolling,
Graham Fishlock and Ian McPhillips

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