Numbers were down as expected with the forecast predicted to reach the high 30’s. Fortunately, we were able to get both games in without having to cancel play. 40 players attended the event, enabling organisers to field 12 teams of triples and 2 pairs. ‘Fagin’ must be on a diet this week as only one player came to feed the hungry pooch.
This week’s winners and grinners:
1st Game Winners: Garry Swalling, Geoff Cutler and Roger Atkins on 26 points + 3 shots
2nd Game Winners: Roland Lawton, John Young and Kevin Rebbeck on 7 points + 18 shots
2 Game Winners: Brian Hodkinson and Mario Mascilongo on 56 points + 12 shots
2 Game Runners-up: Kate Gosling, Trevor Jackway and Mick Jones on 55 points + 20 shots
The lucky number for this week’s jackpot prize of $395 was 9, as there was no winner the prize will carry over into next week’s draw. Thanks to Rob Jackway for coming early to help with preparations for the day’s event, George Swandale for helping out in the Office, Wayne Mack for selling the raffle tickets and Les Scott for conducting the draw.
Keep them rolling,
Graham Fishlock and Ian McPhillips