Triples Results Friday 10th September

With the weather improving it was good to see 24 teams attend this week’s event.  It was a warm day with gusty winds playing havoc with some of the bowls.
This week’s two game winners were Geoff Keynes, John Nelson and David Callahan who scored 56 points with 33 shots up.  Runners-up were Cynthia Stewart, Sheila Dempsey and Peter Stewart with a score 55 points and 22 shots up.
A thank you to Tim Arbon, Ken Raymond and their crew of helpers for maintaining the greens, Les Scott for running the raffle and Rob Jackway for helping in the office.
The number drawn for this week’s jackpot of $70 was +14.  And the lucky winners were Cynthia Stewart, Sheila Dempsey and Peter Stewart.  Incidentally, this is the second week in a row that the jackpot has gone off to one of the teams who were also among the two game winners, how jammy is that!
Please remember face masks must be worn while in the club rooms, unless you are sitting down eating or drinking.
Keep them rolling,
Graham Fishlock and Ian Mc Phillips

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