Triples Results Friday 12th July

What a turnout!  15 of the 16 available rinks were used to play alternate games played on C and D rinks under cover of the ‘Thunder Dome’.  A team from Gumeracha and another from Salisbury were among the 90 players who attended.  There was as eclectic range of apparel worn by the players trying to ward off the chilly conditions.  It was a close finish for the two game winners with only 1 shot separating the two.

This week’s winners and grinners:

1st Game Winners:      Roy Hills, Gary Wright and Roger Frick on 28 points + 15 shots

2nd Game Winners:     John Eldridge, Kevin Neumann and Ken Williams on 27 points + 10 shots

2 Game Winners:          Dee Hollerich, Judy Wilton and Barrie Wilton on 54 points + 26 shots

2 Game Runners-up:  Peter Zapras,  Ray Bettins and Geoff Keynes on 54 points + 25 shots

The ‘lucky’ number for this week’s jackpot prize of $245 was 11, which will carry over into next week’s draw as nobody claimed the prize.  Thanks to Rob Jackway for coming in early to help with preparations for the day’s event and Les Scott for selling the raffle tickets and for running the draw and serving behind the bar.

Keep them rolling,

Graham Fishlock and Ian McPhillips

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