Seems the cold weather hasn’t dampened the enthusiasm of the players as all 16 rinks were taken up for the day’s event. Two teams tied for the second game winners category, the eventual winners being selected on a countback.
This week’s winner and grinners are:
1st Game Winners: Hugo Dreimann, Kym Klopp and Ian McPhillips on 30 points + 19 shots
2nd Game Winners: Baz Wells, Robin Groufsky and Mike Schonfeldt on 27 points +13 shots
2 Game Winners: Don Smith, Neil Martin and John Nelson on 55 points + 45 shots
2 Game Runner-up: Alan Whitmarsh, Des Campbell and Stuart Jolly on 55 points +23 shots
This week’s jackpot draw for $885 was 21. As no one claimed the prize the jackpot will carryover into next week’s draw. Thanks to Les Scott for running the raffle and Rob Jackway who came in early to help with preparations for the day’s event.
Hot pies and pasties are available at the club – just put your name and preference on the list provided at the bar or try some of Jose’s hot soup. Don’t forget, if you wish to put your name down for the following Friday’s event to do so as you enter the club to avoid missing out on a game, as Friday bowls are proving to be popular with a number of players. An entry list is placed on the notice board every Friday by 11:00 AM.
Keep them rolling,
Graham Fishlock And Ian McPhillips