Numbers were slightly down a bit this week, however the 70 players who did attend enjoyed the milder weather conditions.
This week’s winners and grinners are:
1st Game Winners: David Martin and Brian Hodkinson on 28 points + 16 shots
2nd Game Winners: Cynthia Stewart, Sheila Dempsey and Peter Stewart on 28 points + 7 shots
2 Game Winners: Lee Arbon, Liz John and Vicki Arbon on 54 points + 17 shots
2 Game Runner-up: Michael Gill, Bart Lengs and Yenneke Lovell on 53 points + 26 shots
The week’s jackpot draw for $70 was +3. As there was no winner the jackpot will carryover into next week.
A thanks to the grounds staff for maintaining the greens and Les Scott for looking after the raffle.
Keep them rolling,
Graham Fishlock and Ian McPhillips