Happy New Year to one and all. Whilst attendance numbers were great there was the usual trauma of trying to organize teams for the day’s fixture. Finally, a field 26 teams (78 players) were set to begin play under the dome.
This week’s winners and grinners are:
1st Game Winners: Kate Gosling, Nola Watson and Mick Jones on 28 points + 17 shots
2nd Game Winners: Rob McKeon, Bernice Jensen and Dean Ferris on 29 points + 12 shots
2 Game Winners: Iggy, Dave Carter and Brenton Treverton on 53 points + 16 shots
2 Game Runner-up: Dave Martin, Mary-anne Haines and Mike Haines on 53 points + 8 shots
This week’s jackpot draw for $80 was -11, which was won by Roy Hills, Roger Frick and Gary Wright.
A thanks to Les Scott for running the raffle.
Keep them rolling,
Graham Fishlock and Ian McPhillips