Despite the cold damp weather, attendance was good with 24 teams contesting the day’s event. A few players bowled a wrong bias for which the ‘penalty’ was a much appreciated donation to the Guide Dogs SA/NT Fund.
This week’s two game winners were Ken Shilvock, Norb Krantz and Ken Sherry who scored 55 points with 32 shots up. In second place were Stu Reither, Wayne Mack and Eric Harris 54 points and 15 shots.
A thank you to Tim Arbon, Ken Raymond and their crew of volunteers for maintaining the greens, Les Scott for running the raffle and Rob Jackway for helping in the Office.
The number drawn for this week’s jackpot of $70 was +19. As there was no winner the jackpot will carryover into next week’s draw.
Keep them rolling,
Graham Fishlock and Ian McPhillips