The hot weather policy is proving to be a little confusing for many of us.
If the temperature of 35 C has been forecast for Tuesday’s or Friday’s social competition, then play will begin at 11am.
If 38 C is forecast, then the competition will be cancelled.
30 people playing on D green, the Dome providing the heat protection, with gusty winds coming through, we survived.
Thank you Jim Emery for running the raffle, Wayne Mack for sponsoring resting toucher voucher, Ken Pringle filling in for Derek, much appreciated.
A big thank you to the members who come out every Tuesday no matter the weather.
1st game winners: Roy Hills, Wayne Bradbrook and Roger Frick on 27 points + 21 shots up.
2nd game winners: Tom E.S., Liz Jones and Hodgie on 29 points + 16 shots up.
2 game winners: Wayne Mack, Al Gosling and Mike Haines on 52 points + 17 shots up.
2 game runners up: John White, Ron Dale and Jim Emery on 52 points + 5 shots up.
Well done to the winning players.
$222 Jackpot was not won the number drawn +22.
Hope see more players out next week, look forward to seeing you all.
A get well message to Mary-Anne Haines, it’s safer playing bowls than riding a bike. Wishing you a good recovery.
Keep the “Thunder Rolling under the Modbury Dome”🧿🧿🧿
Take Care Stay Safe.
Derek & Carol