Weather conditions very pleasant, with a slight breeze filtering through for most of the day.
66 people competing on both C and D synthetics.
Geoff Keynes thank you for filling at the last moment completing the 22 teams.
Gary Wright thank you for running the raffle.
Winners are grinners:)
1st game winners: Marion Birch, Brian Hodkinson and June Hodkinson on 28 points + 7 shots up.
2nd game winners: Wayne Haskett, John Hart and Claudio Stocco on 28 points + 13 shots up.
2 game winners: Maxine Mosley, Di Butterfield and Kym Butterfield on 56 points + 14 shots up.
2 game runners up: John White, Derek Hostler and Mick Jones on 54 points + 18 shots up.
Well done to all winning players.
Jackpot of $522 was WON! Lucky number drawn by Cynthia Stewart, number 8 lucky winners,
Eunice Dunn, Ruth Stott, Shorty Wright, Kim Williams, Steve Williams and Michael Williams.
🎄Ladies Xmas Lunch Wednesday 29th November Modbury Hotel 12 pm🎄
🎅Club Xmas Party 17th December at 6pm cost $15pp for a Spit Roast Dinner.
Xmas raffle tickets still available at the club $2 per ticket🎅
Keep the Thunder Rolling
at Modbury Thunder Dome
Derek and Carol