A touch of spring greeted the 24 teams registered to play for today’s “Social Event”
Blustery winds were difficult to navigate for the day’s play.
Thank you to Terry De-Boo and Bas Wells filling in at the last moment to complete teams.
Winners are grinners:)
1st game winners: Gary Swalling, Carol Daniels and Mick Schonfeldt on 27 points + 16 shots up.
2nd game winners: Bas Wells, Terry De-Boo and Cheryl Anderson on 28 points + 11 shots up.
2 game winners: Michael Hatfield, John Foley and Derek Chapman on 57 points and 29 shots up.
2 game runners up: Mary-Anne Haines, Wayne Lindsay and Brenton Treverton on 53 points + 18 shots up.
Wayne Mack thank you for on going support of the resting toucher voucher. Sadly you barrack for the “Power”; could suggest another SA team?
Jokes aside to all “Power” supporters best of luck for the Finals.
Gary Wright thank you collecting for the raffle, a record amount collected. Must have been your charismatic personality.
Jackpot draw of $150 was not won a carry over amount will be added next week. Number 21 drawn by Mick Schonfeldt.
Derek Hostler had a stressful day co-ordinating teams, at the last minute a team withdrew from the competition plus a double up with a player’s name. Time for a holiday…
Derek enjoy your overseas trip have a great time, see you back early October.
Filling in for Derek is Kym Butterfield; a big thank you Kym, there’s always plenty to laugh about.
Keep the Thunder rolling at “Modbury Thunder Dome”
Cheers! Derek and Carol