Triples Roundup Tuesday 28th November

Almost a four seasons day with the weather, cold, rain, strong winds, that was for the first 11 ends of play. Relief for the next 10 ends with milder conditions… just great 47 competitors braved the day.
Special thanks to Angela Pringle, Ken Pringle and Bob Cooper… all pennant players, giving up there time to help complete teams.
Special thanks to Wayne Mack sponsoring resting toucher voucher, Jim Emery for organising the raffle. You all make a difference towards the success of Social Bowls.
Winners are grinners:)
1st game winners: Lou Fitzgerald, Bob Cooper and Kevin Rebbeck on 27 points + 16 shots up.
2nd game winners: John Slater, Ron Dale and Jim Emery on 28 points + 13 shots up.
2 game winners: Pairs Bradley and Roger Frick on 52 points + 6 shots up.
2 game runners up: Ruth Stott, Chris Harris and Peter Harris on 52 points + 2 shots up.
🎄Ladies Xmas Lunch held at the Modbury Hotel on the 29th of November was very enjoyable, Xmas decorations, plus Turkey and pudding. The 32 ladies who attended certainly enjoyed the day🎄
This weeks Jackpot of $47 was not won… number drawn by Joy Moore 26.
Keep the Thunder Rolling at Modbury Thunder Dome🧿🧿🧿
Derek and Carol

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