Weather conditions as you would expect cold, with no breeze making the a pleasant event.
66 players using both C and D greens a record number of players competing at the “Modbury Thunder Dome”
We Thank Bob Basedow, Diane Butterfield and Kym Butterfield for filling in at the last moment securing 22 teams for the competition. Well done Derek Hostler for the persistence you gave to complete this amount of teams.
The Winning Teams
1st game winners: Dianne Butterfield, Robin Grousky and Kym Butterfield on 28 points + 13 shots up.
2nd game winners: John Slater, Ron Dale and Jim Emery on 28 points + 17 shots up.
2 game winners: Wayne Bradbrook, Roger Frick and Gary Wright on 54 points + 23 shots up.
2 game runners up: Ken Williams, Wayne Lindsay and Brenton Treverton on 54 points + 12 shots up.
Well done to all players.
Thank you to Wayne Mack continuing to sponsor resting toucher voucher.
Jim Emery for running the raffle.
Les Scott for the hours he does behind the bar and helping out with any matter that comes to hand.
Without these members contribution, the Tuesday Social would not run so smoothly… Thank You.
$462 Jackpot was not won the number drawn 28
good luck for next week, with possibly over $500 to be won.
Keep the Thunder Rolling
at “ Modbury Thunder Dome” 🧿🧿🧿
Team numbers are filling in fast so be quick to register for Tuesday and Friday Social. Financial Club Members will have preference over other players.
Derek Hostler
Carol Daniels