Bowling weather gods were smiling down on the ever faithful Tuesday Social Bowlers. No rain or wind, making good conditions for the36 players who entered the competition
Finally there is a completion date for roof coverage on C & D Greens.
Tuesday Social will be happening next week 28th June. Then a 2 week closure for the completion.
Hopefully returning on 12th July.
By popular demand all game winners will be mentioned.
1st game.. 27 points +11
Garry Swalling, Carol Daniels, Mick Schonfedt.
2nd game..26 points + 9
Robin Groutsky, John Turner, George Swandale.
2 game winners.. 54 points + 20 Peter Zapris, Geoff Cutler, Mick Jones.
2 game runner up.. 54 points + 14 Kevin Nueman, Tony Rowe, Ken Williams.
Jackpot of $100 was not won… number drawn 30
Thank you Peter Zapris filling in for Derek Hostler over the next 8 weeks.
Cheers! All!
Stay safe Take care
Peter & Carol 🧿🧿🧿