Tuesday Triples Roundup 31st January

Pleasant conditions today for the 35 players competing on D green.
Thank you Michael Gill for filling in. Jim Emery for running the raffle.
Wayne Mack sponsor for resting toucher voucher and also sponsoring, Ladies Gala Day to be played on the 13th February 22 teams competing.
1st game winners: Mike Hatfield, John Foley and Derek Chapman with 28 points + 1 shot up.
2nd game winners: Rob Cooper, Bob Cooper and Lou Fitzgerald with 25 points + 5 shots up.
2 game winners: Derek Hostler, Geoff Cutler and Mick Jones with 52 points + 20 shots up
2 game runners up: Wayne Mack, Mike Haines and Al Gosling with 52 points + 8 shots up.
This weeks Jack Pot of $165 was not won, number + 13 drawn.
Well done to all players.
Keep the “Thunder Rolling under the Dome”🧿🧿🧿
Take Care Stay Safe
Derek and Carol

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