

Modbury Bowling Club has a “Code of Conduct” to be complied with by members and visitors. 

You may be removed from the premises for offensive and abusive behaviour..


Is only permitted in the designated areas within the club’s boundaries


  • Modbury Bowling Club’s dumping policy must be observed at all times.  You may be asked to use a dumping mat, bowling arm or modify your action.
  • Please do not sit on the banks of the bowling greens.
  • Place your bowls carefully onto the playing surface. Do not drop them.
  • Please keep children under control and supervision at all times.
  • Footwear only flat soles shoes to be worn on the bowling greens.
  • Food and drink must not be consumed on any playing surface.

Bowlers who do not comply with these conditions will not be permitted to continue to use Modbury Bowling club’s bowling greens and facilities

  • No smoking in Club Rooms, on the Green or Surrounds, designated smoking areas are marked.
  • No food or drinks are allowed on the synthetic greens. 
  • The Bar Staff/Club Management reserves the right to refuse alcohol to any under-aged or persons exhibiting inappropriate behaviour. These persons may be asked to leave the Club.
  • First Aid facilities are available, kits are located in the Work Shed, Kitchen and First Aid Room. Report all accidents/incidents and illness to the First Aid Officer of the day or event organiser.
  • All three doors exhibiting exit signs to be unlocked while Club facilities are in use.
  • An Ambulance is only to be called by First Aid Officer of the day or the person in charge of the event/day.


To provide a safe and healthy environment for employees, members, volunteers, visitors and contractors. The Modbury Bowling Club Inc. recognises its duty of care by:-

Complying with current legislation pertaining to a club, facilities, environment, greens and surrounds.

  1. Developing policies that are accessible to all and displayed prominently.
  2. Audit on a quarterly basis and results available for members to view.
  3. Reporting and recording of all accidents/incidents pertaining to Occupational Health and Safety.
  4. Monitoring of unsafe practices and rectifying by training.
  5. Maintaining all Material Safety Data Sheets for all chemicals on site.
  6. O.H. & S. issues shall be an item at every Administration meeting.


Members are obliged to act responsibly in the confines of this Policy by:

  1. Playing Bowls and / or marking or umpiring only when they are fit and able to do so, without ill effects.
  2. Be aware of extreme weather and smoking policies and abide by them.
  3. Evaluate and revise this policy annually.


The Greenkeeper and related volunteers are to 

  1. Maintain a clean and safe working area.
  2. Regularly maintain all machinery and equipment.
  3. Safely store all tools and equipment.
  4. Store all chemicals and hazardous substances in a locked area labelled with suitable signage.
  5. Liaise with suppliers for purchase of chemicals and equipment with corresponding material safety data sheets.
  6. Wear safety clothing and equipment where applicable.
  7. Liaise with First Aid Officer to maintain the First Aid Box.
  8. Recognise and report to Greens Manager any hazard and assist in making necessary changes to remove or reduce danger.
  9. Report all accidents to Greens Manager so the details can be added in the Incident Report Book.
  10. Assist all volunteers where necessary in regard to procedures and equipment usage.
  11. Evaluate and revise this Policy annually.


The General Manager and related staff and volunteers are to

  1.  Maintain a clean and safe working area
  2. Regularly maintain all equipment (including Beer lines)
  3. Safely store all all tools and equipment
  4. Store all chemicals and hazardous substances in a locked area
  5. Liaise with First Aid Officer to maintain the First Aid Box.
  6. Recognise and report to the General Manager any hazard and assist in making necessary changes to remove or reduce danger.
  7. Report all accidents to General Manager so the details can be added in the Incident Report Book.
  8. Assist all volunteers where necessary in regard to procedures and equipment usage.
  9. Evaluate and revise this Policy annually.

The Modbury Bowling Club operates with respect to the following:

  1. The person in charge of the day is the person with whom is vested the responsibility of calling the Ambulance and advising the next of kin.
  2. The SA Ambulance Service has been supplied with a map detailing the Ambulance entry point. For Ambulance entry, the concrete area between “D” Green and the Club House is to be kept clear at all times.
  3. Whenever there are persons at the Club access to a phone must be provided for the purposes of dealing with emergencies.
  4. The First Aid Room is located in the eastern corner of the Club Rooms and is clearly identified with appropriate signage.
  5. Appropriate First aid equipment is kept in the Kitchen, in the Green Keepers Shed and the Umpires Box. These will be checked on a monthly basis by the Safety Officer.
  6. Cold Packs are stored in the Freezer.
  7. Whenever there are persons in the Club House all doors with exit signs over them must be unlocked.
  8. It is recommended that any member with known health conditions be encouraged to wear one of the Medi-Alert indicators.

In conjunction with Modbury Bowling Club aims and objectives of providing a safe and healthy environment for employees, members, volunteers and visitors the following criteria will be observed.

The Greens Manager and Greenkeeper will comply with legislative requirements to maintain a high standard of duty of care in the workplace by:

  1. Good Housekeeping
  2. Maintain equipment in good condition and use appropriate guarding on machinery.
  3. Maintain first aid facilities with appropriate documentation for the reporting of accident/incident and illness relating to activities associated with greens and surrounds.
  4. Management and storage of chemicals:
    1. Chemical register and appropriate signage in accordance with Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
    2. Hazardous chemicals to be clearly labelled and stored in locked facilities.
    3. ONLY LICENCED OPERATORS to handle chemicals.
    4. Appropriate signage to be clearly displayed at all times when chemicals are being used on greens and surrounds.
    5. Appropriate protective clothing and respirators to be worn when spraying chemicals.
    6. ONLY the Greens Manager is authorized to order chemicals along with appropriate MSDS for the greens.



As of 1/1/2010 the Modbury Bowling Clubrooms, its greens and surrounds have become a non-smoking environment.

There are designated smoking area on the northern side boundary fence at the rear of the clubroom.

All Club members, visitors, guests, volunteers, officials and staff have a duty of care to provide a healthy and safe workplace, leisure and recreation grounds.

All members and visitors share in the responsibility to adhere to, and enforce the non-smoking policy.

Reports of breaches of this non-smoking policy are to be presented to the Modbury Bowling Club Management Committee that will deal with the breach under the discipline provisions of the Club’s constitution.

Modbury Bowling Club has many valued volunteers and recognises its responsibility to ensure that:

  1. Volunteers work in a safe and healthy environment.
  2. They have access to induction to assigned tasks with consideration for personal preference, life experience and employment background,
  3. They are covered by insurance.
  4. They are treated with courtesy and respect.
  5. Volunteers are entitled to re-imbursement of authorised expenditure with approved documentation

Lightning can occur without other typical storm characteristics (i.e. thunder, rain and wind) being present.

Modbury Bowling Club and Bowls SA are committed to ensuring that all players, officials, administrators, visitors and spectators are safe during lightning activity.

When lightning is sighted by the Event Manager or Umpire of the Day, they will suspend play and all players will be required to leave the green immediately and move to a safe structure.

No place is absolutely safe from lightning strikes, but some places are much safer than others. The Event Manager or the Umpire of the Day must identify the location’s safe areas and ensure that all parties are aware of them.

SAFER AREAS include:

  • Enclosed vehicles with windows closed (car, bus). Do not touch metal parts.
  • Substantial enclosed buildings.
  • Low ground sheltering in clumps of low bushes.
  • Trees of uniform height i.e. forest.



  • High ground
  • Open ground
  • Water
  • Isolated or tall trees
  • Near outdoor metal structures such as shade shelter, fences, flagpoles, gates, seats, steps, hand rails, boundary pegs.
  • Equipment such as bowling arms, bowls lifters, bowls rakes, umbrella, etc.


When the Event Manager or Umpire of the Day deems it safe to return to the green, play should resume as per Laws of Sport of Bowls, Law 50

This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their ‘Personally Identifiable Information’ (PII) is being used online. PII is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Like many other organisations, the Club must comply with the National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act when dealing with personal information.

What personal information do we collect from the people that visit our website?

When completing a form on our site, you may be asked to enter your name, email address, phone number or other details to help us fulfil your needs.

The Club will not collect any personal information about visitors to the website except when they knowingly provide it.

We take all reasonable steps to ensure your information remains secure, and to prevent unauthorised access to your information. Access to this information is limited to a few designated members. Users should be aware that there are inherent risks in transmitting information across the Internet. We are not responsible for events arising from unauthorised access to your personal information.

How do we use your information?

We may use the information we collect from you when you complete a form in the following ways:

  1. To improve our website in order to better serve you.
  2. To allow us to respond to your requests.
  3. To administer a tournament or other site feature.
  4. To send periodic information emails.

Do we use ‘cookies’?

We do not use cookies for tracking purposes.

Third Party Disclosure

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personally identifiable information. We may release your information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law or protect ours or others’ rights, property, or safety.

Third party links

Occasionally, at our discretion, we may include or offer third party products or services on our website. These third party sites have separate and independent privacy policies. We therefore have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites. Nonetheless, we seek to protect the integrity of our site and welcome any feedback about these sites.

Users will be notified of any privacy policy changes on our Privacy Policy Page.

Contacting Us

If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy you may contact us using the information below.

Modbury Bowling Club is committed to the well-being and safety of it’s members and those playing at our Club, therefore we have adopted the Bowls SA Heat and Inclement Weather Policy along with the following By-Laws for your Safety.

The following guidelines have been developed with the duty of care of participants as a paramount consideration whilst enabling all members and visitors to participate in a safe environment.


  1. Any Player who considers that the forecast temperature for the day of play will have an adverse effect on their health, safety and well being can with draw from a competition or event. Such withdrawal may occur during the course of play where the temperature is at a level that the player considers places them at risk.
  2. Players have the personal responsibility to ensure that they apply sound self management practices to minimize any likely effects of heat on their health and well being by using hats, suitable sun glasses, sunscreen, maintaining full hydration, taking adequate breaks and avoiding the hottest part of the day.
  3. The Club has the responsibility to ensure that they also exercise a duty of care to all players by providing adequate breaks, water for player hydration, shade and sun protection products

Metropolitan Pennants

All Players should refer to the Extreme Weather Policy as laid down in the Metropolitan Bowls Association’s Conditions of Play.

Club Open Tournaments

Sunday or Monday Tournaments. If the temperature for Adelaide on the Bureau of Meteorology website (www.bom.gov.au) at 4-30pm on the preceding Thursday is forecast to be 38°C or above on the day of an Open Tournament, it shall be cancelled.

Club Social Competitions

When the forecast temperature for Adelaide at 7-30am on day of play is 38° C or above on the Bureau of Meteorology website (www.bom.gov.au) the competition will be cancelled.

Night Owls Competitions.

  1. When the temperature is forecasted on the day to be 38°C or above for Adelaide at 7pm, Night Owls Bowls will be cancelled for that night. Players will be notified by our Facebook page.
  2. If the decision has been made to run the Night Owls for that evening and the actual temperature be 38°C or above for Adelaide at 7pm,  the temperature will be monitored every 30 minutes and play will commence once the temperature has gone below 38°.
  3. Night Owls Players wishing to have a practice after a competition is cancelled are only allowed on the greens once the temperature has fallen below 38°C for Adelaide on the BOM website

Pennant and Casual Practice.

The greens will be closed for practice once the temperature has reached 38°C for Adelaide according to the BOM website

Inclement Weather.

The decision to suspend or cancel play in order to protect the playing surface of the greens on any day rests with the Greens Manager in consultation with the Umpire of the day and Tournament Director. If theGreens Manager is not present, the responsibility for greens closure lies with the Umpire of the day and Tournament Director.