Triples Results Friday 21st February

It was a warm day with hardly any breeze for the 54 players who attended.  18 triple teams joined in on the contest playing alternate games on C and D Greens.

This week’s winners and grinners:

1st Game Winners:     David Martin, Mary-Anne Haines and Mike Haines on 29 points + 21 shots

2nd Game Winners:     Baz Wells, Tony Tanton and Baz Bennell on 28 points + 8 shots

2 Game Winners:          Claudio Stocco, Wayne Haskett and John Hart on 56 points + 28 shots

2 Game Runners-up:   John Slater, Alan Gosling and Graham Fishlock on 55 points + 18 shots

This week’s ‘lucky’ number for the jackpot draw of $490 was 14.   As no one claimed the prize the jackpot will carry over into next week’s draw.  Thanks to Rob Jackway for coming in early to help with preparations for the day’s event and Les Scott for selling the raffle tickets and running the draw.

A special thanks to Wayne Mack who sponsors vouchers for resting touchers for social games on Tuesdays and Fridays.  Don’t forget to visit the Pro Shop for all your bowling needs.

Keep them rolling,
Graham Fishlock and Ian McPhillips

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