COVID-19 Update – 1st December

Attention Members

The SA Government has approved the resumption of Community Sport as of midnight.   This means Pennants, Social and Night owls will resume immediately. Here are the restrictions


  • Opening times will be from 9 am until close.
  • Please scan the QR Code when you enter the clubrooms to aid in the contact tracing.  If you do not have a mobile phone please fill in the registration sheet.
  • We are limited to 80 people within the club room (1 per 4sqm)
    • Only Seated consumption of food and drinks
  • Outside 1 per 2sqm and standing consumption of food and drinks is allowed
  • Social distancing (1.5 metres apart) is to be practised at all times
  • Please use the sanitizer provided for members’ use
  • There will be a cleaning station provided for members to spray the jacks with antiseptic spray and wash the mats – this must happen whenever there is a change in the members who are bowling


  • The teams have been selected and we recommence on Wednesday 2nd December 2020 (Round 9)
  • Thursday and Saturday Pennants will also resume.
  • Sandwiches we resume this Wednesday


  • Social Bowls will recommence on Wednesday and Friday
  • Sign up sheets are available


  • Night Owls will resume on Wednesday and Thursday with the same restrictions.
  • Due to the numbers of participants, we will only be able to allow 70 people inside after the game and the remainder will need to remain outside.
  • Two greens will be allocated to be seated inside and the other two will be allocated areas around the club room surrounds.
  • We will allow 10 members to transition to the bar for drinks and then they must return outside.


  • We have new cooking appliances to be installed in our kitchen so meals are on hold until they are commissioned.

There is a lot of foot traffic past our club so please do the right thing – it only takes one infringement to close the club to all of us

If you are not feeling well please stay at home and seek medical advice


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