What a wonderful day. Near perfect weather and 20 teams, some from as far away as Berri and Mannum, and local support from Tranmere, Prospect-Broadview, Payneham, Semaphore, Clearview, Two Wells, Hope Valley, Salisbury clubs together with our Modbury teams, supporting a competitive day on near to perfect grass greens. The masquerade theme was well supported by all participants.
What could be better? Maybe it was the great luncheon prepared by Bernie and her dedicated Modbury Ladies, served by very handsome waiters. Many thanks to the men who volunteered their time.
It was a very close competition with 6 teams two game winners all within 5 shots.
Overall tournament winners were Mary Feddersen’s Tranmere team with a score of 120 points +27 shots. Runners up were the Hope Valley team with 119 points +18 shots on a countback from the Two Wells team also 119 points +8 shots.
The First game went to the Lorraine Grigg Prospect-Broadview team with 62 points +19, and the Second game was won n by the Chris Caruso Modbury combination with 61points +16.
Finally, accolades to Barbara, Sue and Cynthia, the committee organizing their first tournament; everything went off without a hitch, so congratulations for your efforts.
Modbury Bowling Club also recognises and appreciates the support of the Tournament Sponsors, Hello World Travel and Advanced Promotional Products.