Triples Results Friday 23rd February

The day was overcast and cool with players facing up to the challenge of playing alternate games on grass and synthetic.  Organisers tried to arrange the teams so that as many people as possible were able to get a game.  We ended up fielding 24 teams of triples and 4 teams of pairs.

Once again ‘Fagin’ was well fed as a number of players made a donation to Guide Dogs SA/NT for bowling a wrong bias.

This week’s winners and grinners:

1st Game Winners:      Alan Gosling, Derek Hostler and Graham Fishlock on 27 points + 2 shots

2nd Game Winners:     Rob Hiton, Kimbra Williams and Michael Williams on 27 points + 11 shots

2 Game Winners:          Wendy Klopp, Angela Pringle and Ken Pringle on 56 points + 21 shots

2 Game Runners-up:    Wayne Haskett, Claudio Stocco and John Hart on 56 points + 19 shots

The lucky number for this week’s jackpot prize of $285 was 29, as there was no winner the prize will carry over into next week’s draw.  Thanks to Les Scott for selling the raffle tickets and running the draw.

Keep them rolling,
Graham Fishlock and Ian McPhillips

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