It was an idyllic day for a game of bowls with a record crowd of 89 in attendance.
This week’s winners and grinners are:
1st Game Winners: John Foley, Kym Klopp and Ian McPhillips 29 points + 21 shots
2nd Game Winners: Mario Mascilongo, Alan Gosling and Graham Fishlock on 27 points + 15 shots
2 Game Winners: John Eldridge, Ken Williams and Kevin Neumann on 53 points + 19 shots
2 Game Runner-up: Roland Lawton, Frank Francese and Bob Basedow on 53 points + 14 shots
The week’s jackpot draw for $165 was 15, which was won by Mario Mascilongo, Alan Gosling and Graham Fishlock.
A thanks to Rob Jackway for helping with preparations for the day’s event and Les Scott for organising the raffle.
Keep them rolling,
Graham Fishlock and Ian McPhillips