A great start to this years season 2025
with perfect weather
conditions, 16 teams playing on C & D synthetics.
David Martin thank you for filling in to complete 16 teams.
1st game winners: Geoff Cutler, Paul Giles and Roger Atkins on 30 points + 18 shots up.
2nd game winners: Joy Lam, Baz Bennell and Brian Hodkinson on 28 points + 19 shots up.
2 game winners: Cynthia Stewart, John O’Leary and Peter Stewart on 55 points + 25 shots up.
2 game runners up: Roland Lawton, Mary-Anne Haines and Kevin Rebbeck on 55 points + 18 shots up.
Thank you Wayne Mack sponsoring resting toucher voucher; Gary Wright & Wayne Bradbrook collecting for the raffle, thank you.
The first Jackpot draw for the year, $48, was won with #19 drawn from the barrel by John Biddiss. Lucky winners… Brian Hodkinson, Baz Burnell & Joy Lam.
Keep the Thunder Rolling at “Modbury Thunder Dome”
Derek & Carol