Weather conditions today were arctic, rain persistent for the day also blustery winds.
Player numbers were down, never the less 27 players were happy to compete. Hail rain or shine there’s always good vibes amongst the players.
1st game winners:
Mike Hatfield, Jeanette Stokes, Derek Chapman
29 points + 13 shots up.
2nd game winners:
John Slater, Bas Wells, Roger Atkins 26 points + 1 shot up.
2 game winners:
Roger Frick, Tom E.S. Peter Stewart 55 points + 15 shots up.
2 game runners up:
Ron Dale, John White, Jim Emery 52 points + 13 shots up.
Today’s jackpot number was + 26. The amount of $472 was not won.
Look forward to seeing you all next week, with player numbers increasing as social members are returning from holidays.
Keep the “Modbury Thunder Dome” Rolling
Take Care.. Stay Safe
Derek & Carol 🧿🧿🧿