At last, it was a beautiful day with no clouds and a moderate temperature. 60 players attended this week’s event with some not happy with their performance. But that’s bowls for you – I’m sure they’ll bounce back next week.
This week’s winners and grinners are:
1st Game Winners: David Martin, Baz Wells and Mike Haines on 28 points + 11 shots
2nd Game Winners: Wayne Mack, Stu Reither and Eric Harris on 27 points + 4 shots
2 Game Winners: Gary Swalling, Geoff Cutler and Roger Atkins on 57 points + 28 shots
2 Game Runner-up: Roy Matthews, Ron Troost and Wayne Lindsay on 54 points + 24 shots
The week’s jackpot draw for $370 was 29. As there was no winner, the jackpot will carryover into next week’s draw.
A thanks to Rob Jackway for helping with preparations for the day’s event, also Wayne Mack and Brandon Gil for running the raffle.
Please Note: Friday Social Bowls will wind-up on 23rd December 2022 and resume on the 6th January 2023.
Keep them rolling,
Graham Fishlock and Ian McPhillips