Public Notice 20 August 2020
Restrictions have been changed again and will be enforced as of the 21st August. The main change is that
- A COVID Marshal will be in place at the club during operating hours. The COVID Marshal will ensure that the restrictions are maintained (See Below). They will be easily identified as they will be wearing a badge.
Please be considerate to our COVID Marshals as they are only trying to keep you and your friends safe.
Continuing Restrictions in place
- If you are sick – please stay at home
- You must be seated to consume food and drinks.
- Follow the instructions of the COVID Marshal at all times.
- Do not embrace, kiss or shake hands with others unless they are your direct family member. Touching of elbows is fine and encouraged
- Entry only via the Western Door and exit only via the southern door
- All bowlers must still please sign in and out as per COVID compliance.
- Social Distancing must be maintained at all times 1.5m
- Please do not move tables and chairs in the clubrooms.
- Only 6 people per table. Do not move chairs to add numbers to a table
- Continue hand sanitizing and cleaning
- Continue cleaning mats and spotting the jack for this week whilst playing Bowls.
These restrictions are in place to protect everyone. Please keep an eye on Facebook and our website to keep up to date.
Thank you for your cooperation
Jose Gil