Understandably a number of players withdrew from the fixture due to the hot weather forecast. Numbers were down to 44 and consequently 12 triples and 4 pairs were selected to take the field. Thankfully under the protection of the dome (which has proven to be a great asset to the club), we were able to complete the day’s play before the temperature reached 38 C.
This week’s winners and grinners are:
1st Game Winners: Derek Hostler and Peter Stewart on 28 points + 13 shots
2nd Game Winners: John Slater and Terry De Boo on 27 points + 13 shots
2 Game Winners: Brian Hodkinson, Kym Klopp and Ian McPhillips on 56 points + 14 shots
2 Game Runner-up: Roger Frick and Liz Jones on 55 points + 19 shots
This week’s jackpot draw for $50 was +30. As nobody claimed the prize the jackpot will carryover into next week’s draw. A thanks to Les Scott for running the raffle and Wayne Mack who donates the prizes for the resting touches.
Our latest contribution to Guide Dogs SA/NT was $417.85 which is greatly appreciated by the organization, so thank you to those who donate to this worthy cause. Frank Ingarfill was the instigator who introduced ‘Fagin’ to the club and since 2005 donations have reached almost $8,000.
Please Note: If weather forecast announcements on Thursday mornings indicate the temperature for Friday will be 35 C degrees or more, play will start an hour earlier at 11:00 AM.
Keep Them Rolling,
Graham Fishlock and Ian McPhillips