Triples Results Friday 16th August

What a turnaround; last week we were enjoying a spell of springlike weather and this week it was back to winter.   It was a cold and blustery day, but it did not deter the 96 players who attended.   Fortunately, the event was undercover as a sudden downpour occurred about mid-afternoon that had players hurrying to move their bowling bags to a drier spot.  ‘Fagin’ was in favour as a number of players who bowled a wrong bias donated a coin or two to the Guide Dogs SA/NT due to a lapse of concentration.

This week’s winners and grinners:

1st Game Winners:      David Martin, Janice Byles and Greg Byles on 29 points + 12 shots

2nd Game Winners:     Julie Simmons, Marion Birch and Shorty on 27 points + 11 shots

2 Game Winners:         Ian Edwards, Brian Hodkinson and June Hodkinson on 55 points + 20 shots

2 Game Runners-up:  Nora Watson, Scott Wilton and Barrie Wilton on 54 points + 14 shots

This week’s ‘lucky’ number for the jackpot draw of $380 was 25, which will carry over into next week’s draw as nobody claimed the prize.  Thanks to Rob Jackway for coming in early to help with preparations for the day’s event, Janice Byles for selling the raffle tickets and Les Scott for running the draw.

Keep them rolling,

Graham Fishlock and Ian McPhillips

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