Triples Results Friday 22nd November

Player numbers were down this week with only 42 players attending the event.  Due to the hot conditions both games were played under cover of the ‘Dome’ on C Green.  It was a relief to get back into the clubhouse for tea break and after the last game when players could relax and have a tipple or two in air-conditioned comfort.  Two teams were contenders for the 2 Game Runners-up prize with equal scores, so the winning team was decided on a countback.

This week’s winners and grinners:

1st Game Winners:       Peter Tiss, Ron Troost and David Windram  on 29 points + 14 shots

2nd Game Winners:      John Foley, Kym Klopp and Ian McPhillips on 27 points + 8 shots

2 Game Winners:          John Eldridge, Kevin Neumann and Geoff Keynes on 54 points + 9 shots

2 Game Runners-up:   John White, Bill Coonan and Ron Dale on 53 points + 11 shots

This week’s ‘lucky’ number for the jackpot draw of $415 was 10 and as nobody claimed the prize the amount will carry over into next week’s draw.  Thanks to Rob Jackway for coming in early to help with preparations for the day’s event and Les Scott for selling the raffle tickets and running the draw.  Thanks also to Wayne Mack who sponsors the vouchers for resting touchers.

Keep them rolling,
Graham Fishlock and Ian McPhillips

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