The blustery conditions from S-SW did not deter the 78 players who attended the day’s competition.
This week’s winners and grinners are:
1st Game Winners: Alan Atkins, Vic Hill and John Stephens on 30 points + 13 shots
2nd Game Winners: Roy Hills, Gordon Kay and Gary Wright on 27 points + 14 shots
2 Game Winners: Nola Watson, Kate Gosling and Roy Matthews on 54 points + 23 shots
2 Game Runner-up: George Swandale, Baz Bennell and Mick Schonfeldt on 54 points + 14 shots
The week’s jackpot draw for $80 was +27. As there was no winner, the jackpot will carryover to next week.
A thanks to Rob Jackway for helping with preparations for the day’s event and Les Scott for looking after the raffle.
Keep them rolling,
Graham Fishlock and Ian McPhillips