It was cloudy at first with a light shower but cleared up to be a nice day for bowls. 70 players attended the event enabling organisers to field 22 triples and 2 pairs, who played alternate games between C and D greens. It doesn’t happen often, but 2 teams had a dead end in the second game with bowls so close to the jack they couldn’t use calipers to measure the gap.
This week’s winners and grinners:
1st Game Winners: Linda Nelson, John Nelson and Jose Gil on 30 points + 24 shots
2nd Game Winners: Lou Fitzgerald, Bob Cooper and Derek Hostler on 29 points + 19 shots
2 Game Winners: John White, Bill Coonan and Ron Dale on 56 points + 15 shots
2 Game Runners-up: David Windram, Peter Tiss and Ron Troost on 55 points + 14 shots
This week’s ‘lucky’ number for the jackpot draw of $320 was 27 and as nobody claimed the prize the amount will carry over into next week’s draw. Thanks to Rob Jackway for coming in early to help with preparations for the day’s event, Kevin Neumann for selling the raffle tickets and running the draw. Thanks also to Wayne Mack who sponsors the vouchers for resting touchers.
Keep them rolling,
Graham Fishlock and Ian McPhillips