Tuesday Bowls Roundup 16th August

Nice to see 42 people come out to play under the Thunder Dome on “D” Green.

Conditions were sunny for the first round, no breeze with the feeling of spring is about to be sprung.
Second round not so lucky, became overcast and chilly.

To all the social players who stayed after the game and those who came back to help create an atmosphere,  playing or as spectators
For the broadcasting of Channel 7’s weather report with presenter Amelia Mulcahy – A fun night, plenty of pizza to go around.
A “BIG THANK YOU”to you all.

1st game winners
Baz Wells.. Roy Matthews..
Barrie Wilton.. 28 points + 7 shots up

2nd game winners
John Turner..Mike Haines.. Al Gosling..27 points + 22 shots up

Roy Hills.. Roger Frick .. Gary Wright.. 53 points + 18 shots up

Mary-anne Haines.. Wayne Lindsay.. Brenton Treverton.. 53 points + 11 shots up

Jackpot draw $260 was not won with # + 2 the winning number.

Look forward to seeing you all next week…. Let the Thunder roll.

Take care Stay Safe

Peter & Carol 🧿🧿🧿

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